Estudios y empleo – Las cosas que estoy aprendiendo

February 4, 2019

Yes, this is the tedious topic of study and employment…¡que aburrido! BUT I have to confess that my current employment is far from tedious so first I shall tell you a little about that…

Trabajo doce horas por semana en un cole con niños de cinco a doce años. Mi papel se llama Auxiliar de Conversación. Porque soy un hablante nativo de inglés, soy una herramienta útil en la clase para clarificar pronunciación, entonación y vocabulario.

Para los niños, es muy emocionado tener una chica del Reino Unido en sus clases, les gusta aprender sobre mi vida y las costumbres de mi país. Pero igualmente, aprendo mucho de ellos y de los maestros también. Me encanta el trabajo porque cada día, hay una historia distinta para contar. Abajo aparecen algunos mensajes que he mandado a mi novio en varios días…

It was so cute in first grade today I walked in and they were all sat on the floor and they all got up and ran at me for hugs

One class was doing presentations about sports and these boys did judo and one of them actually did judo so was doing all these demonstrations

So this afternoon the whole school was outside colouring a Spanish map with the colours of the regional flags

In my class just now all the kids were freaking out because there was a wasp

Kid having a tantrum about getting on the bus

I was asking them what they want for Christmas and one girl wanted a pet ladybug

An hour of getting third grade to learn a version of twelve days of Christmas

El punto es que mi empleo es muy entretenido y disfruto mucho. Nunca siento amilanada por la idea de ir a trabajo porque es un ambiente muy simpático. Quiero sentir igual en todo empleo futuro porque es importantísimo para bienestar.

Además, ¡quiero destacar a vosotros que no es esencial saber el puesto de trabajo exacto que queréis conseguir en el futuro, todavía yo no sé y estoy en el tercer año de mi carrera! La cosa más importante es ganar experiencias y estudiar lo que disfrutáis, sin preocupaciones sobre la dificultad.

The best piece of advice I can give in terms of study and employment is to never doubt yourself. I was hoping for an A* in my Spanish GCSE and I ended up with a B which knocked my confidence greatly when it came to taking it at A-level because I knew that there was a big leap from GCSE. However, I was brave enough to take on the challenge and I have never regretted that decision.

If you have a passion for a language, persistence is key – I re-took my AS Spanish, having only achieved a C grade, bringing my final A-level grade to a B, enough to get me onto a Spanish degree at Cardiff University. I have since surprised myself at the high standards of work that I can produce and having this opportunity to live and work in Spain is the most incredible experience that I would have missed out on if I had lacked self-belief.

¡Sois la leche chic@s!

Hasta la próxima vez.

February 4, 2019

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