This newsletter brings you a taste of some of the highlights…
Looking forward with Routes into Languages Cymru
Acknowledgements to Cardiff University Looking forward with Routes into Languages Cymru…
Winter Newsletter 2020
Cylchlythyr Gaeaf 2020 Routes Cymru Winter Newsletter (
Routes Cymru article featured in Language Trends Wales 2020: The Conversation
Since 2015, the British Council Wales have conducted an annual survey…
Spring 2020 Newsletter
Click here to read our most recent newsletter
Cylchlythyr Gwanwyn 2020
Cliciwch yma er mwyn darllen ein cylchlythyr diweddaraf
My experiences of the SEREN Network Year 9 Modern Language Oxford Residential
By Abheesh Essoo Being brought up in a bilingual environment in…
Diolch i Gomisiwn Ewropeaidd yng Nghymru
“Yr ydych yn cychwyn ar antur fendigedig wrth ddysgu iaith. Mae’n…
Thanks to the European Commission in Wales
“You are embarking on a wonderful adventure when you learn a…